Friday, July 11, 2008

The hospital did call Jennifer at one and said that they had a bed opening. She had Blake at 10:00 in the evening. He weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces 21 1/2 inches long. She pushed him out which amazed me. I got to be with her. She is having problems with her blood count, she lost a lot. She might get to come home Sat. Blake is doing well. Maddie is having a hard time with sharing her mom and dad. Callie just can not keep her hands off him. I will keep everyone updated.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Well no baby today. Hospital called Jennifer and said that they had no room. Maybe tomorrow. I will keep everyone posted.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Jennifer and Bourbon are having their baby tomorrow. July 9th. She is going in the hospital in the morning. They are suppose to have a boy according to the ultrasound. They are naming him Parker Thomas. Thomas after Dale. We all are excited. It has been a long and hot summer for her. The girls are excited also. I will let everyone know when he comes.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Hello everyone, it has been awhile. Let me catch up on the family. Jennifer found out that they are having a boy (YEA!!!). Becca is doing great in school and we are proud of her. Andrew is the manager for the boy's basketball and they are in 1st place. Tournaments this week. I was named Elementary Math Teacher of the Year for Kanawha County and Dale and I are going to dinner to get my award on March 11. I can not believe that I got it. Dale is busy at work as usual. Things are going good right now. Maddie is going to be 2 on March 9th and Callie is doing well in Kindergarten.