Sunday, September 16, 2007

School has started and things are back to normal. Andrew is busy with football and Dale works all the time. He is leaving to go to Boston for a few days, to watch how fish are caught, scaled, or what ever they do with fish, and then they get to fix dishes with the fish. It does not sound like my cup of tea. Life goes on. Let me know how everyone is doing.


ggranny36 said...

This is October 1st and I am just reading this. I know Dale liked his trip. But I do no like to fish fish except filets. I would not have made a chef. How does Andrew like the football? Billy liked it. Dean was here for a meeting in Dallas. We saw him one day. ut that was good. Hope Becca's vacaction is a great one. Love you all.

shadylady said...

I must say that a business trip to learn about fish sounds...a bit fishy! ;)

Melissa said...

Sounds fun but messy. My husband and I like to cook and we eat fish once in while. We go in spurts. If you have any good recipes you'd like to post that'd be great!